International Relations

1. Units Hierarchy/organogram Of The International Relations Department

  • Head of Department: – Lisema Lekhooana
  • The department does not have regional representatives or structures at this stage

2. National Office Bearers Deployed To The Department

  • Mduduzi Mbongwe – General Secretary
  • Patrick Mogomotsi Hailane – President


To coordinate and consolidate International work within the union, liaise with sister unions globally for solidarity and campaign work, particularly in this era of “Globalization” and the globally seized era of Foreign Direct Investment by a multiple of Trans National Corporations, through the Global Union Federations that we are affiliated to being UNI Global & IUF as well as connecting the union to COSATU International Departmental work, programmes and campaigns for implementation.

4. Objectives

  • To strengthen, pursue and solidify International Working class solidarity for decent standard of work and living for sustainable human development, as well as to curb the race to the bottom competition and disparities in countries as per the agenda of employers that militates against social justice and protection, in resonance with clause 1.19 and 1.21 of the SACCAWU Constitution.
  • To have union to union exchange programmes and “Bi-lateral links in place with other trade unions globally so as to share information, experience and best practises of responding to the challenges that workers from other countries may face or are encountering from time to time on their disparate working conditions and benefits, at times from the same/single employer, in consonance with COSATU’s posture on “The Meaning and Practise of International Working Class Solidarity in the 21st”

5. Primary Mandate As Per The Current Congress Term

  • To build the International Relations structure that will cascade down to regions so that they be involved in international solidarity campaigns.
  • To have items on international issues as part of an educational impartment and capacity building programmes such as but not limited to Value Chains and Climate Change, in conjunction with the Education Unit.

6. Primary campaigns work

  • To align SACCAWU International Campaigns with those of COSATU in relation to Climate Change, the struggle for the emancipation of the Palestinian people from the yoke of Israeli Apartheid repression and dispossession so that they (Palestinians) realise their freedom.
  • Be part of the struggle for the ultimate democratization of the people of Eswatini and be an enabling participant for the dismantling of the “Monarchical Tinkhundla System of Governance” that denies citizens their basic democratic rights. Iii.
  • Be part of the international campaigns movement for the Saharawi people for the return of their land that was dispossessed by Morocco.
  • Be part of a global campaigns movement that seeks to challenge and dismantle the imperialism and colonialism of Western Countries on developing countries including but not limited to Cuba and Venezuela.
    Strengthen the global campaign work of Anti-Walmartization of the retail trade economy as a challenge that is facing workers.
  • Participate in and strengthen the “Global Shop Stewards’ Alliance” structures being a trade unions’ response to Multi National Corporations and their investment in various countries of the world, as part of a solidarity campaign work and impartment of knowledge to shop stewards.

7. Schedule of activities

  • Soon to hold an International Relations Committee Meeting and liaise with the assigned National Office Bearers on its timing and composition, so as to discuss and recommend a SACCAWU International Relations Policy among others that can be adopted and enshrined by the higher structures of the union.