
1. Units Hierarchy/organogram

  1. Head of Department Mike Sikani
  2. National Office Bearers Deployed Deputy General Secretary Mdu Mbongwe and 1st DP Angie Phetlhe
  3. National Administrator Boitumelo Mauco
  4. Eastern Cape Victor Poswa
  5. Western Cape Jan Kotze
  6. Free State Northern Cape Lebo Maseko
  7. KwaZulu Natal Thulani Mbatha
  8. Wits Thoko Mchunu
  9. North West Vaal Brandt Ntako
  10. Northern Region Nelson Lekala
  11. Mpumalanga Reuben Mandla Hlope

2. Aims

To advance the very aims of the Union as enshrined/articulated in section 1 of the Constitution from 1.1. to 1.7. And all Congresses Directives as per the Congress Term mandate.

3. Unit’s Objective As Per The Constitution Dictates That This Unit Must

  1. Building the base through
    1. Strong Shopfloor Organization
    2. A Strong Shopstewards movement
    3. Vibrant Local Organization,
  2. Improving the quality of service rendered to members by,
    1. Building our capacity to defend members against retrenchments and unfair dismissals
    2. Strengthening our collective bargaining capacity,
  3. Building a strong layer of conscious cadres,
  4. Strengthening of management Arm

4. Primary Mandate As Per The Current Congress Term

Ensure that we have a sustainable and effective education Unit that drives capacity building programmes within the Union and the Federation(COSATU)

5. Primary Campaigns Work

  • Anti-Walmartization
  • Operation Khoka
  • Section 189
  • Woolworth
  • Job-Security
  • Gender Empowerment

6. Schedule Of Activities

  1. National Coordinating Committee (NCC) Twice p/a
  2. National Educators Forum (NEF) Twice p/a
  3. National Education Committee (NEDCOM) Twice p/a
  4. Regional Education Committee (REDCOM) Twice p/a
  5. Local Education Committee (LEDCOM) Four Times p/a
  6. Capacity Building Activities
  • Legal Related Activities
  • Financial Related Activities
  • Organising and Recruitment Related
  • International Relations
  • Gender Relations
  • Organisational Management
  • Organisational Administration and Policies Space
  • Political Education
  • Ideological Training
  • Continuous Staff Development
  • Continuous Leadership Development

Contact Details For Saccawu’s Education Department Administrative Leadership Capacity

National Coordinator Head Office

Mike Sikani


National Admin Head Office


Regional Educator Wits Region

Thoko Mchunu


Regional Educator North West Vaal Region

Brand Nthako

Regional Educator Kzn Region

Thulani Mbatha


Regional Educator Western Cape Region

Jan Kotze


Regional Educator Northern Region

Nelson Lekalakala


Regional Educator Mpumalanga Region


Regional Educator Eastern Cape Region

Victor Poswa


Regional Educator Free State/n Cape Region

Leela Leela
